Sunday, May 3, 2020

Their Finest Hour- Enchantments of the 20th Century

The Battle of Britain brought neglected folk magics back to the masses. Conjurors from the countryside offered their services to national defense and to those caught in the war’s devastation on the ground. Some saved lives in ARP. Others kept their neighborhoods and villages together through the Blitz with wisdom and enchantment. Still others found an opportunity in the chaos to raise their station through conjury-aided larceny.

Boundary Chain
Ritual Cost: 1                     Difficulty: 1
Ritual length: 2 hours      Activation range: touch
Activation cost: 1              Duration: 1 month
The focuses are two nearly identical objects small enough to be carried in one hand. During the ritual, the conjuror paces back and forth murmuring instructions to the objects. After activation, when any living creature or being passes between them or up to 20 feet above them, the conjuror hears a deep “thrumming” sound. The twin focuses may be placed up to 20 feet apart. Any further and the enchantment ends. 
Conjurors may increase the length of a Boundary marker by enchanting more than 2 nearly identical objects at a time. Each additional focus increases the perimeter size by 20, the ritual cost by 1, and the difficulty by 1. Additional focuses cannot be added later. They must all be enchanted in the same ritual.

The Sabini Reload
Ritual Cost:  2                     Difficulty: 2
Ritual length: 1 hour        Activation range: Touch
Activation cost: 2              Duration: Rounds
The conjuror creates a magical connection between a firearm and a carton of 20 bullets by ritually loading and emptying the bullets in and out of the firearm. The weapon becomes the focus for this enchantment’s activation. Once activated, the gun now reloads itself! Bullets disappear from the carton wherever it may be and magically appear in the firearm’s chamber or magazine. The conjured reloading continues until the end of the fight or the box empties. 
Despite its obvious military applications, this enchantment sees little use in Britain’s armed services due to both the ill-repute of conjuring and the impracticality of its standardization. However, some commanding officers of RAF airfield in the countryside hire conjurors on the sly to bolster the combat efficiency of their aircraft. Targeting an aircraft’s armament (or other weapons larger than a soldier can carry) requires greater skill than enchanting a mere handgun. The conjuror also has to be present to activate the enchantment before the aircraft takes off!

The Sabini Reload (Armament)
Ritual Cost:  4                     Difficulty: 3
Ritual length: 3 hours      Activation range: Touch
Activation cost: 3              Duration: Rounds

Ritual Cost: 1                      Difficulty: 0
Ritual length: 30 min       Activation range: Touch (Edible)
Activation cost: 1              Duration: 12 hours
To create the focus for this enchantment, the conjuror places a small piece of candy or food in a paper bag and screams into the bag for half an hour. Despite all the yelling, any observers of the ritual hear no screaming. The bag absorbs all the screams during the ritual. Anyone may activate the focus by consuming the candy or food. Once activated, the target stays wide awake for the next 12 hours. Even if they desire sleep, it will not come. In addition, this enchantment grants its target +6 dice to dice pools for tests to remain conscious (such as choking, anesthetic, or loss of health).

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