Friday, May 22, 2020

Their Finest Hour- Ascended Magnetists p2

With the right training and iron discipline, the human mind performs wonders few would ever imagine possible! Here are a few more of  the amazing powers of the Ascended Magnetist!

Mental Veil
Difficulty: 2 (See description)
Vril Cost: 2
Prying eyes cannot pierce the Ascended’s mental power! The Ascended chooses a living person or creature in eyesight and activates this ability. Those clouded by the Mental Veil cannot see or hear the Ascended for a number of minutes equal to the Ascended’s Concentration skill. The difficulty increases by one for each additional person targeted by the ability.
Those with clouded perceptions may still notice physical evidence of the Ascended’s presence (objects seeming to move by themselves, footprints in sand, etc.). If suspicious, each individual may attempt a Perception + Resolve test with 9 black dice to see through the trick. If successful, the Mental Veil loses its obfuscating power over them. 
If more persons or creatures arrive during the abilities duration, the Ascended may attempt to cloud their presence from them as well. The Ascended activates the ability again with the difficulty adjusted by the number of new targets. If successful, they fall under the Mental Veil. If unsuccessful, only the original targets remain affected. 

Sonance Misdirection
Difficulty: 1
Vril Cost: 2
Nearby ears and dull minds fall prey to the Ascended’s auditory tricks! The Ascended chooses a sound to mimic and a direction from which the desired sound emanates. Projected sounds may range from footsteps down the hall, air raid sirens on the roof, thunder from the sky, squeaking rats scurrying through the walls, etc. While this ability can mimic the human voice, it cannot form actual words and sentences. 
Once activated, anyone within yards equal to the Ascended’s Concentration skill hears the noises. The illusory sounds may last a mere moment up to minutes equal to the Ascended’s Concentration skill.

Difficulty: 1
Vril Cost: 2
With this astonishing ability, the Ascended and a few selected beings converse by projecting their thoughts directly into each other’s minds. Once activated, the Ascended picks a number of beings equal to or less than their Concentration skill. Targets of telepathic engagement must either be within a few miles and a trusted associate of the Ascended or simply in the Ascended’s line of sight. Those chosen may telepathically communicate for minutes equal to the Ascended’s Concentration skill. Any being engaged in telepathy may break their connection with the Ascended as they desire.

Vril Vampirism
Difficulty: 2
Vril Cost: 2
With a simple touch, the Ascended smashes through the mental defenses of a nearby enemy to devour their power! A target within reach suffers damage with dice equal to the Ascended’s Concentration + Presence. Instead of damaging the target’s health, this ability does damage to the target’s vril. If this ability drains the target’s Vril to 0, the target must pass a Fortitude test with 6 black dice or fall unconscious. In addition, the Ascended regenerates Vril equal to half the damage dealt by this ability (rounded down).

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