Friday, April 17, 2020

Their Finest Hour- Technological Magnetists p.1

As revolutionary movements shouted for the world to turn away from the horrors of mechanized warfare and return to nature, and a new specimen of magnetist emerged. In 1928, young children around the world spontaneously manifested a remarkable affinity for the electrical devices spreading into middle-class homes. Small girls powered their father’s shaver by holding the plug. Gangs of young boys mischievously surprised inattentive adults in the street with mild shocks. The Guild studied this new phenomenon and classified the children as “Technological Magnetists”. They manipulate the energies and frequencies harnessed by mankind’s machinery. Their gifts rely on the control and the presence of technology.
By the start of the war, the first of these technolists reached adulthood. What was a nuisance to the electric company in peace, became a vital resource in war. Even during a blackout, power outages endanger civilian lives and interrupt national defense.

Difficulty: 2
Vril Cost: 2
When using this ability, the technolist can transform their thoughts into radio waves and send their signal to a specific wireless at a distance of miles equal to their Presence Attribute. Those listening to the wireless clearly hear the technolist’s voice coming in over the set. As a side benefit,  technolists “hear” radio waves when using this gift, and their brain translates the signal into “sounds” as desired, allowing for two-way communication.
This ability can also send a burst of “static” directly into a person’s mind, disrupting their nervous system. The technolist picks a target in eyesight and rolls a Technological Magnetist test against the target’s Resolve + Concentration. If successful, the target feels a terrible pressure in their ears and suffers 6 black dice to a single test. If performed during a combat round, this test counts as an action and can be sustained each round with an action and a single pip of Vril but no roll is needed.

Prime Mover
Difficulty: 0
Vril Cost: 2
The technolist channels their Vril as raw energy to power a nearby device  requiring petrol, electricity, gas, springs, or steam. One of the technolist’s hands must remain in contact with the device for the Vril to continue powering the device. If contact ends, the Vril stops flowing but the technolist may establish contact to power a new device or power the same device again.
Once activated, this ability is passive and does not require effort to maintain, only Vril. Other tasks may be attempted while this power is activated with no penalty provided the tasks do not require two hands. This ability may be turned off by the technolist at any time.
If the device can be carried by a human-sized creature, it costs 1 pip per hour. If it can only be carried by an Ogre it costs 2 pips per hour. If even an ogre cannot carry the device (such as a car or airplane), powering it costs 3 pips per hour.

                While I was planning to unveil the fantastic gifts of the Technological Magnetists in a single post, we'll have to return next Friday with the five remaining abilities.

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