Even as science fully eclipsed magic in the early 20th century, a new specimen of magnetists effortlessly mixed the two. Here are a few more incredible gifts of the Technological Magnetists:
Difficulty: 2
Vril Cost: 2
After touching a power outlet or device plugged-into an outlet,
the technolist uses this gift to draw tremendous power into their body. They
may now release all of it as a single destructive bolt of lightning at their
choosing. If they do not hurl it out as a raw destructive force, the technolist
retains the electricity until the next time they sleep or fall unconscious.
Until then small static and magnetic disturbances follow their presence
wherever they go.
Absorbing electricity takes 5 minutes and casting a lightning bolt
counts as an action. Lightning bolts have a range of 60 yards and do 15 dice of
lethal damage. Casting the bolt requires a Presence + Technological
Magnetist skill test. The target may attempt to dodge as in a normal
ranged attack.
Arc Light
Difficulty: 1
Vril Cost: 2
Successful use of this ability charges the technolist’s Vril into
bright arcs of electricity between the fingers of one hand, their choice. The
technolist uses the chosen hand as normal, but they should avoid handling
delicate instrumentation or anything which may be adversely affected by low
wattage sparks. The illumination ends when the technolist chooses, they fall
unconscious, or they run out of Vril.
While this ability is in use, anyone touching the technolist feels
a mild shock but takes no damage. The low wattage is only dangerous to very
small animals.
Difficulty: 2
Vril Cost: 2
A technolist touching a telephone may call on this ability to
near-instantaneously travel through the telephone’s wires, across the
switchboard, and emerge at their desired destination’s telephone. The
technolist must know the number they wish to reach and must be within 10 miles
of the desired location. The destination’s telephone starts ringing a
half-second before the technolist’s arrival, unless they pass an Electronics test with 6 black dice.
in combat, Tele-portation takes an action, as does arrival. Only about 10
pounds weight of matter follows the technolist’s transmission through the phone
lines. Unless the technolist takes extraordinary measures, about half of that
weight is taken up by their clothing. If a technolist tries to take
even more weight when they tele-port, some or all items may be left behind at
the Gamemaster’s discretion.
Difficulty: 1
Vril Cost: 2
The technolist touches a damaged or destroyed target and focuses
their Vril into its restoration. This ability works on any solid
structure or device manufactured and utilized by humanity. This ability
restores structure pips equal to the bonus successes of the ability roll x2.
In general the larger the target, the more structure pips it had,
requiring many casting to fully mend. For example, one casting may only add a
few bricks to a collapsed wall.
Vril Cost:
With this
ability, technolists sense the use of any technology powered by petrol, electricity,
gas, or steam within Wits x 10 yards. Their gift also detects any increases in
power, speed, and heat of devices in use. This gift cannot identify devices but it can intuit the general
size, power source, and location (for
example, a large device powered by petrol traveling quickly about 60 feet away,
or 2 small devices powered by electricity upstairs in the bathroom).