After the Squadron Roll’s
resolution, the Combat Phase begins. PCs and important NPCs take turns
performing actions much like a regular combat turn. Instead of rolling
initiative, the aircraft belonging to the squadron which won the Squadron Roll
perform their actions first, followed by the planes of the losing squadron.
Ties break in favor of the side with the biggest dice pool in the previous
Squadron Roll (which makes the Defend Maneuver a little more appealing).
Players decide the order of friendly actions in the Combat phase as does the
Gamemaster for the Enemy. The very first character to act each round receives
the usual Initiative bonus. Just like a
combat round on the ground, combatants may take multi-action penalties to perform
more than one action a turn.
Obviously, aircraft are
constantly in motion. Pilots may position their craft and speed through the
dogfight freely, although the Gamemaster may rule that it takes several turns
to reach an objective. Characters piloting aircraft perform Pilot Actions,
while characters operating other stations aboard an aircraft perform Crew
Actions. While characters may perform other actions than those listed with
Gamemaster approval, most actions fall within the following categories.
Pilot Actions
Attack- The pilot chooses a target to
attack with one of their aircraft’s pilot armaments and rolls a Gunnery + their aircraft’s Handling test against a black dice pool
consisting of their target’s Handling +3. If the target’s Handling is black dice, they are added to the attack pool as bonus
dice. On a success, the pilot rolls damage. Ties go in favor of the attacker.
Defend- The pilot attempts a test using
their Aviation + their aircraft’s Handling. Until the start of their next
turn, they add the test’s net successes to their aircraft’s (or another
friendly aircraft’s) Armor Value.
Escape/Chase- The pilot tests their Aviation + their aircrafts’ Handling with 9 black dice if the enemy
squadron outnumbers their friendly squadron. If the friendly squadron equals or
outnumbers the enemy squadron, the Escape test suffers no black dice. On a success,
their aircraft leaves the dogfight. If unsuccessful, they remain in the
dogfight and an enemy aircraft chosen by the Gamemaster makes a free attack
against them.
This action may also be used to
chase escaping aircraft. The pilot follows the same procedure to Pursue an
enemy aircraft that successfully performed the Escape (or Chase) Action since
the start of the Pilot’s last turn. If unsuccessful, the pilot loses his target
and remains in the Dogfight. If successful the pilot and the target begin a
vehicle chase as described starting on page 32 of the Victoriana Sourcebook Marvels of Science and Steampunk.
Tactical- The Pilot attempts a test with
their Aviation or Tactics skills + their aircraft’s Handling.
If successful, their Squadron adds a number of dice equal to the number of
successes to their next Squadron Roll. If multiple pilots in the same Squadron
perform the Tactical Action in the same Combat Phase, only the highest counts
towards the next Squadron Roll.
Crew Actions
Attack- The gunner chooses a target to
attack with one of their station’s armaments. They roll a Gunnery + their aircraft’s Handling
test against a black dice pool of their target’s Handling +3. If the target’s Handling is black dice, they are added
to the attack pool as bonus dice. On a success, they roll their armament’s
damage. Ties go in favor of the attacker.
Drop Bomb- The bombardier rolls a Gunnery test
with 6 black dice. For each 500lbs worth of bomb weight
(rounded down) dropped during a Drop Bomb action, the bombardier adds 2 dice to
their pool. If successful, the bombs fall right on target.
With a failure they miss entirely, causing massive devastation to a random spot
below. On a partial success, the bombardier rolls a d6. On a 6 or a 1, the
desired target still sustained extensive damage but remains standing. On a 2 or
a 5, the bomb causes savage destruction elsewhere.
Repair- Any crewmember may attempt an Ad Hoc Repair test with 3 black dice to
return lost health pips to their aircraft. Each success restores 1 health pip
up to a maximum equal to their aircraft’s Armor Value.
Spot- Any crew member may attempt a Perception or Gunnery test and choose
another member of their aircraft’s crew or pilot. That crew member reduces the
black dice penalty of their next action by the number of successes generated by
the test.
With all that out of the way,
next week we’ll taste the frosting of our Dogfighting cake: Optional Rules
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