Friday, January 24, 2020

Their Finest Hour- New Talents for a New World

The modern world of 1940 and the changing face of war bring all sorts of new challenges and dangers, so here’s a handful of new talents to push the capabilities of a Victoriana character a little further up the timeline.

Ace Pilot- You took to flying like a duck takes to water, much to the dismay of enemy aircraft. Your first five confirmed kills in aerial combat qualify you to the elite club of Flying Aces. In a Dogfight, your damage pools for aircraft armaments gain +2 dice.

Boffin- While some rely on bullets, you rely on brains. No matter what the uneducated rabble say behind your back, your book-smarts and ability with a spanner solve problems before they arise. You gain +2 dice to your Electronics, Ad-hoc Repair, and Demolition dice pools.

Flying Blind- Where others squint and fumble through the sky with white knuckles, you soar. You trained in advanced techniques for piloting aircraft in limited visibility. Your Aviation, Motoring, and other vehicular tests always subtract 3 black dice from their pools for fog, darkness, smoke, or other sight-based penalties.
Lead Foot- You can make your automobile do everything but talk. Because of your expertise behind the wheel, all of your dice pools for operating an automobile add 2 bonus dice. This includes such diverse uses as chase pools, dodging attempts to run you off the road, and using your vehicle as a battering ram.

Paratrooper- With proper training from the SOE, a supportive circus family, or a lifetime of crashing down unexplored mountains, you know how to take a fall and get back up. When you suffer damage from a fall (including when landing with a parachute) you always have an Armor Value of 2 in addition to any other Armor Values from gear, magic, or actual armor. 

Seadog- Whether you haul nets on a fishing boat, labor in the dry docks at Portsmouth, or man a gun on a Royal Navy Battleship, the sea is your bread and butter. Your experience gives you +2 dice to any test involving ships, boats, or nautical lore. This is most obviously useful in Pilot (Boating) tests, but it may also apply to other skills such as Navigation, Ad-hoc Repair, or Streetwise at the Gamemaster’s discretion.

Wireless Wiz- You fathom all the mysteries of radio waves. Armed with technique and knowledge you perform all sorts of amazing feats with a wireless set (or radio to the Americans), such as spot other nearby wireless sets with telemetry, exchange coded messages, use radiolocation to detect far off objects, and even listen to the BBC! With this talent, you can utilize a wireless set to gain +3 dice to Navigation, Electronics, or Perception skill pools.
 If you take this talent a second time, you gain +3 dice to skill pools when attempting to repair a wireless set. Additionally, if you pass an Ad-Hock Repair or Electronics test with 6 black dice, you can construct a crude short-range wireless set in 2 hours using only what you have on hand (at the Gamemaster’s discretion).

Virtuoso- You not only make music, you make art! Your years of practice, innate talent, or a Faustian deal give you musical ability across a wide range of instruments and styles. You gain +2 dice to any skill pools for producing music (such as singing, conducting, or playing an instrument).

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