Friday, January 31, 2020

Their Finest Hour- New Privileges

Adventuring in World War II opens new niches in society, and pulls military rank into greater importance. To reflect the new chaotic status quo, here are some new Privileges.

Black Market Connection (any, 2/6)
Some people will do anything to get their hands on some of the luxuries they took for granted before rationing. Luckily, you can get your hands on rationed material that “fell off a lorry”, such as butter, toilet paper, or cigarettes. 
For 2 points, you are a trusted customer of the black market and know who to talk to about getting your hands on all the comforts of better days without any fuss. For 6 points you are the black market racketeer and always have something valuable and illegal near at hand.

Civil Defense (any, 2)
You may be a civilian, but you can still protect your country. As a trained volunteer or part-time employee of a civil defense organization, you hold a position of responsibility and some authority in your community. You may not be able to arrest anyone, but when the bombs fall, people look to you for leadership and safety. Civil defense organizations include the Royal Observer Corps, Air Raid Precautions, the Home Guard, and the Auxiliary Fire Service.

Military Commissioned Officer- (upper/ middle, 4/5)
You survived training from a military academy or rose through the enlisted ranks step by step into the prestigious category of “officer”. Officers sit at the top of the military chain of command and rank has its privileges. No more manual labor and no more bunkhouses.
For 4 points, you serve as a Flying Officer in the Royal Airforce, a Sub Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, or a Lieutenant in the British Army. For 5 points, you are a Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Airforce, a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, or a Captain in the British Army.

Military- Noncommissioned Officer- (middle/lower, 2/3)
As a noncommissioned officer, you loom over privates (British Army), seaman (Royal navy) or aircraftman (RAF) and make sure they don’t trip over their boots while training or protecting their country. Whatever fool plan the Brass cooks up, you ensure the enlisted men follow it through in the field and safely return your squad back to base. 
For 2 points, you’ve reached the rank of Corporal in the Royal Air force or British Army or Leading Seaman in the Royal Navy. Despite your rank, you live and eat with the enlisted men. For 3 points, you reach the more senior rank of Sergeant in the Royal Air Force or British Army, or Petty Officer in the Royal Navy with your own mess and quarters.

Military- Enlisted Personnel- (any, 0)
Congratulations! You sit at the bottom-most rung of the military rank ladder. You have no one to order around, and take orders from everyone. In exchange for service to your country, you eat 3 square meals, sleep in a barracks, wear a snappy uniform, and earn decent pay. Although you may rise to the level of an NCO one day, you start as an Aircraftman in the Royal Airforce, a seaman in the Royal Navy, or a private in the British Army

Works for the Government- (upper/middle, 4)
You work in one of the many secret corners of Mr. Churchhill’s war-time government. Whether you develop new methods of waging war, crack German cryptographic codes, or perform covert missions abroad, you cannot tell anyone about your work. Not only does your job give you access to some very important people, but your superiors may extend their resources to you if it suits their mission or maintains secrecy.

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