Friday, March 6, 2015

Adventuring with Class- How class can influence game play

A Wise Gamemaster one told me,” Role-playing games are all about character driven storytelling”, and little in Victoriana affects characters like their class. Victoriana’s class system is not based on whether you’re a wizard, a fighter or a cleric. Class is all about your position in society.

From an eldren barrister, to an orc laborer, a character’s class affects their stats, their companions, and their adventures. A canny Game Master can use this to their advantage to generate stories and to direct the players toward the plot. Class is more than a social barrier. To the GM it is opportunity, flavor, and inspiration.

This is not a definitive list of adventuring tips, merely a few ideas on how class can be used to drive and impact story. The next few posts will have Suggestions for Plot Hooks, Locations, and Enemies and Obstacles to pull the character’s social strata into the center of the story.

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