As the western world crumbled to the
economic collapse of the 30s, German fascism rose and certain unconventional
theories about Vril rose with it. Nazi science rejected quantum mechanics and
sought forgotten magical traditions. The Nazi’s rebuilt Germany’s Aluminate
Churches in their image and expelled the Guild in 1935. The Ahnenerbe (a division of the SS dedicated
to race theory and research) holds
total control of magical practices in the Third Reich. Sigil scribes openly
craft runes, but only with the properly Germanic Futhark sigil alphabet. Nazi occultists at the top (including
Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess) embrace petty conjuring as “the one true
Volkish magic, long suppressed by the Western Inquisition (the Hermetic
Guild)”. Ruthless Conjurors leverage their new prestige, foster an occult air
to their enchantments, and climb into the highest ranks of the Wehrmacht,
Ahnenerbe or SS.
Until 1935,
the German branch of the Guild instructed all Thaumaturgists. After Hitler
dissolved the Guild in Germany, most fled the country. The remaining
thaumaturgists joined the Ahnenerbe under threat of death to teach their skills
to a new generation of young magicians loyal to the Führer. While the Nazi regime embraces many fringe
mystical theories and pseudosciences, their tyranny leaves no room for magic
practitioners outside the approval of the state.
At the center of the Reich’s occult
politics sits the mysterious Vril Society. In 1919, the progenitors of the
National Socialist German Worker’s Party (the Nazi Party) gathered with
occultists to communicate with the unknown. Two beautiful young women named
Maria and Sigrun led the men in a séance and shared wonderful and terrible
truths from primeval earth. The participants of that séance formed the Vril
Society (also known as the Luminous Lodge) to guide German fascism to their
secret ends or the ends of their secret masters. The Vril Society hosts demonstrations open to the public with slide shows depicting artist's imaginings of
ancient civilizations from the lost continent of Thule and promises to
awaken the magnetic abilities inherent to all Aryan people. Before the war, the
Vril Society even performed demonstrations in London. Members of the Vril
Society holds key positions in the German government, industry, and military,
but no one outside their membership can explain the vast amounts of money and
war materials funneled into the society by the Führer.
When the German army triumphantly
marched into Austria, the international community gasped at the incredible
strength of Vril at their disposal. Nazi magicians performed with ease wonders
the world had not seen in 200 years! Lindwyrms bore swastika-laden banners
through the skies! Skilled spells singers, known as Fächer, dispersed clouds and split open hills to make way for
marching platoons of soldiers! The world saw this same show of strength in
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Luxembourg, and France. The Axis war effort overcame whatever
universal law dwindles magic. None of the Allies know the source of this endless antediluvian
energy, but
European refugees and Whitehall politicians
share plenty of theories:
-During the 1939 German
expedition to Tibet, Nazi mystics learned ancient forgotten methods to harness
Vril from an ascended Master in Shamballa known as “the King of the World”.
-Nazi scientists and
musicologists discovered the potent mythic reality suggested by Wagner’s operas. Through their fanaticism and skill they
draw strength from Nordic myth
cycles and Aryan folksongs.
-The SS breeds
magically adept children through the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life) project. SS
officers kidnapped Polish and Russian children gifted with psychical abilities
from occupied territories adding to their breeding stock.
-An Ahnenerbe
archeological team uncovered or “recovered” an ancient artifact out of
Aluminate legends. In Hitler’s hands, it acts both as a symbol of power as a
source of power.
-During the séance at the founding of the Vril Society, Atlantean sorcerers living beyond the physical
world outlined an ancient machine from the lost continent of Thule in minute
detail. German industrialists developed blueprints from the description and
developed a strange bell-like device kept in a secret location.