I completed the first draft
(5,500 words) of the adventure "Two Lost Crates". The rewrites and editing smoothly move along. Clunky parts of
the scenario, bits I assumed I would write later but forgot, and little inconsistencies
keep me busy. Because of the scenario's more farcical subject matter, I’m also
trying to put a more Wodehouseian tone into the text. Its lighthearted, low stakes subject should stand out as much as possible for the GM.
The biggest surprise of this week
was my realization cutting my favorite scene obliterated most of my biggest problems.
With all the research and groundbreaking done, I think after one more week I’ll
finish my part and hand it over to proofreaders. So next Friday I’ll wrap up
the adventure, then we’ll go back to regular posts. I should post Two Lost
Crates sometime in late February-early March. I hope you enjoy.
As always,
if you have questions, suggestions, feel free to comment below.