Friday, May 8, 2020

Their Finest Hour- Hermetic Operations of the 20th Century

As the war effort stretches national resources to their breaking point, magicians utilize their arcane skills to make life in Britain safer and brighter. While the Guild’s concentrates its resources fighting the war on a magical level, civilian thaumaturgists teach their pupils a curriculum of “Emergency Aid Operations”. These few basic spells could make all the difference in their war-torn streets and neighborhoods.

Barrage Barrier
Cost: 1
Difficulty: 3
Range: 2 yards
Duration: Rounds or till destroyed (See description)
The thaumaturgist manifests a Vril field in the shape of a ghostly floating wall. Despite its semi-opacity, the wall is solid enough to reflect the charge of a bull, a hail of bullets, or a fallen roof.  The wall possesses structure points equal to 4 x the number of successes on the roll to cast Barrage Barrier. Once damage to the wall depletes the structure points, the wall instantly evaporates in a flash of light.
The wall measures 6 square feet in size and may be square, rectangular, or circular according to the thaumaturgist's wishes. The wall can be manifested in any direction around the thaumaturgist but it cannot be moved. Although it stops solid objects, the Barrage Barrier is not airtight or watertight.

Cost: 2
Difficulty: 0
Range: 3 yards
Duration: 1 round or 5 minutes (see description)
The Deluge operation summons roughly 12 gallons of water dispersed at will by the thaumaturgist. The water gushes out all at once from the thaumaturgist’s hands in a powerful spray. Any creatures in the wave’s path suffer damage (3) and must pass a Dexterity or Fortitude test with 6 black dice or be knocked to the ground. This cone of water may hit multiple persons standing close together.
The thaumaturgist may also retain the water and trickle it out over the span of 5 minutes. If this is the case, the water sprays with a force strong enough to do little more than wash dishes. Any remaining water not manifested at the end of the 5 minutes is dismissed.
In either case, the water produced by the operation is drinkable.

Cost: 1
Difficulty: 0
Range: 10 square feet around the caster or one object (touch)
Duration: 2 hours
With a simple gesture, the thaumaturgist spins an illusion returning an area the size of a small room to a tidier state. Cracks in plaster smooth over, piles of rubble disappear, and torn clothes seem new. Even biological matter freshens up. Rotten food looks new and dead bodies appear ready for an open casket funeral. Unfortunately, this operation only fools the sense of sight and smell. Sound, taste, and touch hint at the truth. After the spell’s duration, the area returns to grim reality.

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