
Gargoyles are magically powered constructs (often crafted into monstrous forms) under a geas to protect a specific building.  The design of the gargoyle’s body usually reflects its use (examples: wooden barn- small dog whittled out of wood, majestic courthouse with marble exterior and gilded ornaments- marble statue of blind justice, dangerous section of sewer- squat concrete and lead imps etc). The gargoyle must be constructed of the same materials as the building it protects.Then the magician performs the Animation operation turning the inert gargoyle into a living channel of the building’s Genus Loci (the spirit or nature of a place).
Gargoyles protect the structure and any inhabitants its creator or a warden (appointed by its creator through a magical contract) instruct. The range of the gargoyle’s protection generally extends to a city block around its building, but it may increase or decrease with the skill of its creator.
Gargoyles can be re-instructed to protect people contrary to the instructions of their warden by use of a Turning spell. Turning is often necessary when a new owner takes possesion of a protected building without access to the original contract of Wardenship. The Turning process can be performed safely by the original creator of the gargoyle. Otherwise the operation is long and dangerous.
All gargoyles in London must be approved by the Metropolitan Board of Works and animated by a Guild licensed Magician. Gargoyles cannot be re-purposed to protect a different building.
The creation of animated gargoyles has gone out of style due to the rise of efficient clockwork marvels and the mess left over from the French Revolution. Paris has countless gargoyles, and the sudden changes of ownership of so many grand buildings (and the deaths of their previous owners) required many Turning rituals for the safety of the general public.

Massive Stone Gargoyle (Monstrous figure made of brickwork, with wings, horns, and fangs)
Physical: 10 Initiative: 3
Mental: 4 Health: 14 AV 6
Construct- Although Gargoyles do not heal over time, a skilled craftsman can fix damage with successful Craft Group Skill roll. A success fixes 4 points of damage; each additional success fixes 2 points of damage.
Geas- All gargoyles are bound by a thaumaturgical geas forcing them to protect a particular building and its occupants. If a gargoyle goes beyond the range of its building’s geas it becomes inanimate. When brought back into range it reanimates. The average range for a gargoyle is the block around their building.
Damage: Smash (8)

Small Wooden Gargoyle (Carved house cat holding a wooden mouse in its mouth)
Physical: 5 Initiative: 8
Mental: 5 Health: 6 AV 3
Construct- Although Gargoyles do not heal over time, a skilled craftsman can fix damage with successful Craft Group Skill roll. A success fixes 4 points of damage; each additional success fixes 2 points of damage.
Geas- All gargoyles are bound by a thaumaturgical geas forcing them to protect a particular building and its occupants. If a gargoyle goes beyond the range of its building’s geas it becomes inanimate. When brought back into range it reanimates. The average range for a gargoyle is the block around their building.
Damage: Claw and Pounce (4)  

Man-sized Metal Gargoyle (Bronze statue of school founder with pointed cap, and caduceus)
Physical:7 Initiative: 6  
Mental: 5 Health: 10 AV 6
Social: 6 Quintessence: 12
Construct- Although Gargoyles do not heal over time, a skilled craftsman can fix damage with successful Craft Group Skill roll. A success fixes 4 points of damage; each additional success fixes 2 points of damage.  
Geas- All gargoyles are bound by a thaumaturgical geas forcing them to protect a particular building and its occupants. If a gargoyle goes beyond the range of its building’s geas it becomes inanimate. When brought back into range it reanimates. The average range for a gargoyle is the block around their building.
Conversant- This gargoyle is capable of intelligent speech.
Damage: Fencing (6)

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