The Befuddled Man Session 4

Surrounded by savage sewer ghouls, gnome mage Eric Smith, child impersonator/thief Terry Grey, and consulting detective Wolfman J. Wolfington III fought for their lives. Grey managed to outmaneuver two of the ghouls, and stabeds them both with a shishkabob skewer, as Smith braking his lit lantern immolated two more of the ghouls and drove off the rest. The troll that had suddenly appeared set still not engaging the party, as they patched each other up. Suddenly the troll vanished, like an illusion.

Wolfington gathered his strength as Grey and Smith searched the warehouse, finding the ghoul family’s warren hidden in an unused corner of the storage space. Sitting there was Hershel Cohen, the lost dwarven runesmith the group had been looking for. Finding that he is unable to answer their questions or even remember who he is the group left the tannery behind, but not before looting the ghouls warren. Smith found a strange dagger with a yellow ribbon around the haft, and Grey discovered a jar of odd glowing mushrooms.

Standing in the street, Grey gaves Wolfington further medical attention, and Smith noticed a man with glasses watching them. The group recuperated at Smith’s house.

Grey collected the bounty on sewer ghouls from a local civic group, which met in Gladys’ Tearoom, and sold his mushrooms to the chef there. The chef offers to buy any other exotic ingredients he finds.

Smith took Hershel to the Guildhall and has him looked over by Guild physicians. The healer discovered that Hershel was the victim of an amateurishly cast forgetfulness spell used only by high ranking Guild enforcers. An inquisitor of the guild interrogated both Smith and Hershel, but uncoverd little. Hershel’s memories were unscrambled but the key pieces of what happened to him are gone. The group reunited to piece together what Hershel did remember. His memory sparked on several clues the party had collected. He had been working on an article with Gwint on the possibility of giant pentacles made by architecture, and had found a possible location where it could work. He contacted a man about this and had his card in the study, the very card the group had found for the Metropolitan Board of Works. Beyond this he could only remember that the man’s last name was the name of a plant. Intrigued but uncertain, the investigators escorted Hershel home.

The Cohen’s were so happy that Hershel was unharmed they throw a party and invited the group to come. Hershel himself made the runes they ordered at no charge. The party ran late into the night, with dancing, drinking and an appearance of the mysterious Bayswater businessman Mr. Alexi Borozci.
Grey, Smith and Wolfington returned home near dawn.

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