Coaldust Pixies

Few magical creatures have adapted to the Industrial age as well as coaldust pixies. Coaldust pixies (also known as flue fairies) are pyrophilious meaning they are attracted to fire and heat. Chimneys, fireboxes, and gas lamps could all harbor an infestation.
Coaldust pixies make nests out of creosote and soot for their eggs. Once exposed to enough warmth, the eggs hatch explosively, bringing the larva to life with a wave of heat. Oft lit sources of heat may attract a whole colony of coaldust pixies, banding to together for the defense of their young. A single egg will not damage its surroundings badly unless hatched in delicate machinery or a marvel, but coaldust pixies can lay up to thirty eggs. An entire colony left alone could topple a chimney or seriously damage a home. Most infestations are first noticed by a trail of sooty footprints appearing near a fireplace.
Coaldust pixie larva are inch long, grey grubs with orange speckling, while adult Coaldust pixies are four inches tall (standing upright) with similar coloration, an insect like lower body, delicate wings and six appendages (the ratios of arms and legs varies greatly). They survive on creosote and ash.
Because of the pixie’s attraction to heat, many chimney sweeps have added extermination to their services. Certain untrustworthy sweeps always carry a few dead coaldust pixies with them so they can claim the extra fee.

Coaldust Pixie 
Physical: 1 Initiative: 4
Mental: 1 Health: 1
Pyrophillious- Coldust pixie’s bodies are adapted to heat and have AV 5 against any flame damage. Additionally, coaldust pixies must pass a Mental roll (3 black dice) to stay away from open flames or other strong heat sources.  
Very Small- All attacks against a coaldust pixie suffer 3 black dice  
Damage: Bite (1)

Swarm of Coaldust Pixies
Physical: 6 Initiative: 9
Mental: 2 Health: 12
Pyrophillious- Coldust pixie’s bodies are adapted to heat and have AV 5 against any flame damage. Additionally, coaldust pixie swarms must pass a Mental roll (3 black dice) to stay away from open flames or other strong heat sources.
Swarm- Each Health lost reduces the swarm’s size. When only half Health is left, half all pools (including damage)
Damage: Bite (4)

Flaming Birth
The explosive birth of coaldust pixie larva is capable of destroying life and property. Hatching eggs are an Area Effect Attack with 3 damage dice +1 dice for every additional 10 eggs. The resulting fire has an Intensity of 5 and may set the surrounding area ablaze.

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