Giant Spiders

From old barns to coal mines to filthy alleys, Giant Spiders can turn up anywhere. Young deer, smaller domestic farm animals, rabbits, and dogs are all prey in the spider’s many eyes. Giant Spider’s prefer to sit in a dark corner and let their food approach the web, but they will try to snare nearby animals with a sticky rope from their spinnerets or even chase down more elusive and canny prey if the opportunity shows itself.
Once caught, the prey is repeatedly stung with the spider’s fangs, injecting a paralyzing toxin. The unconscious bundle is then woven into the hidden web to be enjoyed later.
A full grown Giant Spider can measure as much as twelve feet wide including the legs, with both body segments measuring five feet long. Coloring and patterns vary, but most are dark brown, with short grey hair.
During the 1600’s Giant Spiders were hunted to near extinction by terrorized citizens and covetous alchemists. Their numbers are still few, but a country shepherd may want help protecting his flock, or East End opium fiends might avoid sleeping on certain streets.

Giant Spider
Physical: 7 Initiative: 6
Mental: 3 Health: 16 AV 2
Web Spinner- Giant Spiders enshroud a victim with a sticky stream of web from their spinnerets to immobilize them. The spider performs a ranged grapple attempt using Physical Competence, target may resist. If unsuccessful, target is unaffected.
If successful, target may do nothing but attempt to escape (with the number of success over its initial resistance attempt serving as black dice).  A Giant Spider does not have to continue spraying a web to keep its opponent grappled. It may perform other actions independently as its victim struggles. A Giant spider may continue to entangle its victim. For every turn an already trapped target is successfully hit by a Web Attack, the difficulty of its escape attempts increases by two black dice.  
 Poison- If target is damaged by Fangs, target must pass a Fortitude test with 4 black dice. If failed target suffers 3 damage, -1 Dex and -1 Wits. If passed target only looses -1 Dex, and -1 Wits. Poison’s effects will fade after 5 - Fortitude hours pass (to a minimum of 10 minutes)
Damage: Fangs (8 dice + poison),

Giant Spider Young
Physical: 5 Initiative: 3
Mental: 2 Health: 8 
Web Spray-Spider Young are able to defend themselves by squirting an attacker with a gooey mixture from their immature spinnerets. The spider makes a ranged attack using Physical Competence. If successful the target has +1 black dice to all their actions until the webbing is cleaned off. This is cumulative.  
 Poison-If target is damaged by fangs, target must pass a FORT test with 2 black dice. If failed target suffers 2 damage, and -1 Dex. If passed no effect. Poison’s effects will fade after 1 - Fortitude hours pass (to a minimum of 10 minutes)
Damage: Fangs (6 dice + poison), 

Talking Spiders
For a more fantastical encounter, some Giant Spiders have an above average predatory intelligence enabling the ability to learn and converse with humans. Somehow their chelicerae are able to mimic the sounds of human speech well enough to speak. Talking spiders have Social Competence: 5 and Quintessence: 12

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